shame and ignorance

30 Sep 2009 | von Ai Weiwei |

Sixty years ago communists established a new nation. Sixty years later if we relook at the fundamental struggles and principles that helped them get the power, we can realize everything they had fought for and tried to achieve is not existing in China’s condition today; such as to end up dictatorship or one-party-system, to have freedom of speech, independence of media and the independence of judicial system which is necessary for basic fairness and justice of society.
You can clearly state that communists failed its own ideology and the struggle today. China is more than ever corrupted morally and politically.
The government betreats the will of the people and more than ever put restrictions on the freedom of speech, it limits culture and arts, art activities and paralyzed the possibilities to be creative and to create a society, which everyone would have equal rights and personal freedom to contribute to society and to bear responsibility for healthier, civil conditions.
After sixty years of struggle we come back to the ground zero. We still have to fight for essential values of life and to live in dangerous conditions which threaten citizen’s life if you demand freedom.
If one sentence can make a conclusion of these sixty years on the first of October that will be: Sixty years of shame and ignorance.

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  1. 10 Antworten auf “shame and ignorance”

  2. von lengqing 1 Okt 2009 | Antworten

    I have great respect for Ai Weiwei who dares to speak up his criticism about Chinese politics and culture! “60years of shame and ignorance” is unfortunatley what China is and is unfortunately what everyone tries to look away.

    It is natural for a surpressed artist to voice his criticism. Zhang Yimou built his film career from voicing his critic on Chinese culture and politics; but he has lost all his integrety once he has achieved commercial success. Along the same line, Chen Kaige and Cai Guoqiang have all become collabrators of Chinese government, willingly abandoning their own artistic and political believes. Sadly this can be said about the most of Chinese middle class whichever the professoions they may occupy. One big achievement this government has is to have created a nation of apolitical people, selfish individualism, and naive nationalists!

    Today is a sad day for the Chinese, but most of them don’t even know it!

  3. von Elcorin 1 Okt 2009 | Antworten

    Everything dynamic and very positively! :)
    Thank you

  4. von JR 2 Okt 2009 | Antworten



  5. von Polprav 22 Okt 2009 | Antworten

    Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?

  6. von Gligulpmurigo 3 Nov 2009 | Antworten

    Other variant is possible also

  7. von Diane 28 Dez 2009 | Antworten

    Great!! Fuck the GFW of China. Down with the Chinese Government and free the Chinese people
    Free Tibet!

  1. 4 Trackback(s)

  2. 1 Okt 2009: Tweets die Ai Weiwei Blog » Blog Archive » shame and ignorance erwähnt --
  3. 17 Feb 2010: 60 Years People Republic of China – 95th Edition « China Uncovered
  4. 20 Apr 2010: 60 Years People Republic of China – 274th Edition « China Uncovered
  5. 22 Apr 2010: 60 Years People Republic of China « blog about travelling,leisure and pleasure

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